Saturday, January 29, 2022

Burr Street Library book list




Adams, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams

Aeschylus. Oresteia

Alighieri, Dante. The Divine Comedy

Andersen, Hans Christian. Fairy Tales

Aristophanes. Five Comedies

Aristotle. Politics

Augustine. Confessions

Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice

Bacon, Sir Francis. Selected Writings

Balzac, Honore De. Pere Goriot

Baudelaire, Charles. The Flowers of Evil

Blake, William. Songs of Innocence and of Experience

Bocaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron

Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre

Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights

Bunyan, John. The Pilgrims Progress

Burton, Sir Richard F.. Tales From The Arabian Nights

Carroll, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Cervantes, Miguel de Saavedra. Don Quixote de La Mancha

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury Tales

Chekhov, Anton. Plays

Confucius. Analects

Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim

Cooper, James Fenimore. The Last of the Mohicans

Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage

Darwin, Charles. The Origin of the Species

Defoe, Daniel. Moll Flanders

Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe

Descartes, Rene. Philosophical Works

Dickens, Charles. David Copperfield

Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations

Donne, John. Poems

Dostoevsky, Feodor. Crime and Punishment

Eliot, George. The Mill on the Floss

Eliot, T.S.. Collected Poems 1909-1962

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Essays

Euripedes. Plays

Faulkner, William. The Sound and the Fury

Fielding, Henry. Tom Jones

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby

Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary

Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography

Freud, Sigmund. Basic Works

Frost, Robert. Poetry

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust

Grimm, The Brothers. Favorite Household Tales

Hamilton, Madison and Jay. The Federalist

Hardy, Thomas. The Return of the Native

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter

Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to Arms

Homer. Illiad

Homer. Odyssey

Ibsen, Henrik. Plays

James, Henry. The Ambassadors

James, Henry. Nine Tales

Joyce, James. Ulysses

Kafka, Franz. The Trial

Keats, John. Poems

Lawrence, D.H.. Women in Love

Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince

Mann, Thomas. Five Stories

Maupassant, Guy de. Stories

Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick

Montaigne, Michel de. Essays

Mill, John Stuart. Political Writings

Milton, John. Paradise Lost

Moliere. Seven Plays

O'Neill, Eugene. Four Plays

Paine, Thomas. Political Writings

Pascal, Blaise. Pensees

Petronius. Sayricon

Plato. Republic

Plutarch. Twelve Illustrious Lives

Poe, Edgar Allen. Tales

Proust, Mareel. Swann's Way

Rabelais, Francois. Gargantua and Pantagruel

Racine, Jean. Six Tragedies

Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Political Writings

Shakespeare, William. Eight Comedies

Shakespeare, William. Six Histories

Shakespeare, William. Poems

Shakespeare, William. Six Tragedies

Shaw, Bernard. Three Plays

The Tragedies of Sophocles

The Red and the Black by Stendhal

Sterne, Laurence. Tristram Shandy

Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island

Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's Travels

Thackeray, William Makepeace. Vanity Fair

Thoreau, Henry D.. Walden

Thucydides. The History of the Peloponnesian War

Tolstoy, Leo. War and Peace

Turgenev, Ivan. Fathers and Sons

Twain, Mark. Huckleberry Finn

Virgil. Aeneid

Voltaire. Candide

Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass

Wordsworth, William, and Samuel Coleridge. Lyrical Ballads

Yeats, William Butler. Selected Poems

Zola, Emile. Nana




Leatherbound Sets




Josephus' Works / Moore's Works (2 vol.)

The Egyptians

History of The Dorians by Muller (Ancient Greece)

Early Roman History

Scenes and Characters of Middle Ages

Carlyle's Works

            Frederick The Great

            Cromwell's Letters and Speeches

            The French Revolution

Life of Washington by Irving

Child's History of England by Dickens

History of England

History of England by Smollett

Queens of England

Spanish Conquest in America

Court of Francis I

Carlyle’s French Revolution

Recollections of A Minister to France (!869-1877) LB

Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E.Lawrence




Addison, Joseph

Burns, Robert

Cellini (Life)



            A Simple Heart


Henry, O.

            The Four Million

            Sixes and Sevens

            Gentle Grafter

            Rolling Stones

Fielding, Henry


Lytton, Bulwer

            The Caxtons

Meredith, Works of

            The Egoist

            Richard Feverel

Riley, James Whitcome - pc






Modern Painting

History of Painting in Italy, Vol I, III-IV


Leatherbound Singles

History of Northwestern Pennsylvania


HP = Heritage Press

NLB = New leatherbound

SLB – Signed new leatherbound


Seven Voyages of Sinbad The Sailor                          HP

The Romance of Tristan and Iseult                  HP

An Honorable Balance           Albee, Edward              NLB

Jason and The Golden Fleece Apollonius                           HP

The Birds & The Frog            Aristophanes                HP

The Winthrop Covenant       Louis Auchincloss        NLB

A World Of Profit                  Louis Auchincloss        NLB

Pride and Prejudice               Jane Austin                  NLB

Pere Goriot                            Honore de Balzac         NLB

Flowers of Evil                      Charles Beaudelaire     NLB

Zuleika Dobson                     Max Beerbohm             HP

John Brown's Body                Steven Vincent Benet   NLB

A Game Men Play                  Vance Bourjaily            NLB

The Kingdom of The Wicked Anthony Burgess          SLB

Don Juan                              GeoGordon Lord Byron HP

Jane Eyre                              Bronte                          NLB

Old Creole Days                    G. Washington Cable    HP

Alice’s Adv in Wonderland   Lewis Carroll                HP

My Antonia                          Willa Cather                 NLB

Don Quixote                          Miguel de Cervantes    HP

Canterbury Tales                  Geoffrey Chaucer         NLB

Stories of John Cheever        John Cheever               NLB

Two Plays                              Anton Chekov              HP

Plays                                     Anton Chekov              HP

*Green Pastures (w/O'Neill)  Mark Connelly             NLB

Lord Jim                               Joseph Conrad             NLB

The Nigger of The Narcissus Joseph Conrad             HP

Nostromo                              Joseph Conrad             HP

A Conrad Argosy                   Joseph Conrad

The Pathfinder                      James Fenimore CooperHP

The Prarie                             James Fenimore CooperHP

The Pilot                               James Fenimore CooperHP

The Spy                                 James Fenimore CooperHP

The Last of the Mohicans      James Fenimore CooperHP

The Red Badge of Courage    Stephen Crane             NLB

Two Years Before The Mast   Richard Henry Dana    NLB

On The Origin of The Species Charles Darwin           NLB

Robinson Crusoe                   Danield Defoe              NLB

The Story of Manon Lescaut Abbe Prevost D'Exiles   HP

The Chimes                           Charles Dickens           NLB

A Tale of Two Cities              Charles Dickens           NLB

David Copperfield                 Charles Dickens           NLB

Great Expectations                Charles Dickens           NLB

Great Expectations                Charles Dickens           HB

Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky      NLB

The Possessed                       Fyodor Dostoevsky      HP

American Tragedy                Theodore Dreiser         HP

Virgil's Aeneid                      Transl. John Dryden    HP

The Three Musketeers          Alexander Dumas         HP

The Three Musketeers          Alexander Dumas         NLB

The Red White and Blue        John Gregory Dunne    SLB

The Mill on The Floss            George Eliot                 NLB

Silas Marner                          George Eliot                 HP

The Reivers                           William Faulkner NLB

The Sound and The Fury      William Faulkner         NLB

Tom Jones                             Henry Fielding             NLB

Madame Bovary                    Gustave Flaubert HP

The Man of Property             John Galsworthy          HP

The Finishing School             Gail Godwin                 SLB

Dead Souls                            Nikolai Gogol               HP

Dead Souls                            Nikolai Gogol               HB

Notes From the UndergroundNikolai Gogol              NLB

The Dispossessed                  Nikolai Gogol               NLB

The Vicar of Wakefield         Oliver Goldsmith          HP

The Spy                                 Maxim Gorky               HB

Jude The Obscure                 Thomas Hardy             NLB

Tess of the D'Ubervilles        Thomas Hardy             NLB

Far From The Madding CrowdThomas Hardy           HP

The Return of the Native      Thomas Hardy             HP

Twice Told Tales                   Nathaniel Hawthorne   NLB

The Scarlet Letter                  Nathaniel Hawthorne   HP

The Scarlet Letter                  Nathaniel Hawthorne   NLB

The House of The 7 Gables   Nathaniel Hawthorne   HP

God Knows                            Joseph P. Heller           NLB

A Farewell to Arms                Ernest Hemingway       NLB

The Sun Also Rises                Ernest Hemingway       NLB

The Call                                John Hersey                 NLB

The Prisoner of Zenda           Anthony Hope             HP

The Toilers of The Sea          Victor Hugo                 HP

Plays                                     Henrik Ibsen                NLB

Legend Of Sleepy Hollow      Washington Irving       NLB

The Alhambra                       Washington Irving       NLB

The Ambassador                   Henry James                HP

Daisy Miller                          Henry James                HP

The Portrait of A Lady          Henry James                NLB

The Portrait of A Lady          Henry James                HP

The Turn of The Screw         Henry James                HP

Washington Square               Henry James                NLB

Tales                                     Henry James                NLB

Whistle                                  James Jones                 NLB

Portrait of the Artist as A      James Joyce                 NLB

Ulysses                                  James Joyce                 NLB

Arrowsmith                           Sinclair Lewis               NLB

Main Street                  Sinclair Lewis               HP

The Sea Wolf                         Jack London                 HP

The Call of the Wild              Jack London                 HP

White Fang                            Jack London                 HP

*J.B                                       Macleish, Archibald     NLB

Tough Guys Don't Dance      Norman Mailer             NLB

The Fixer                               Bernard Malamud        NLB

The Magic Barrel                   Bernard Malamud        NLB

*Death of a Salesman            Miller, Arthur              NLB

Foreign Affairs                      Alison Lurie                 NLB

The Late George Apley          John P. Marquand        NLB

Selected Stories                     Guy de Maupassant     NLB

Cakes and Ale                       W. Somerset MaughamHB

Moon and Sixpence               W. Somerset MaughamHB

Moon and Sixpence               W. Somerset MaughamHP

The Razor's Edge                   W. Somerset MaughamHB

Selected Tales                       Guy de Maupassant     HP

Moby Dick                            Herman Melville          NLB

Omoo                                    Herman Melville          NLB

Omoo                                    Herman Melville HP

The Source                            James Michener           NLB

Selected Essays                     Michel De Montaigne   NLB

Mutiny on The Bounty          Nordhoof & Hall          HP

You Must Remember This     Joyce Carol Oates         SLB

Mysteries of Winterthern      Joyce Carol Oates         NLB

Two by O'Hara                      John O'Hara                 NLB

Strange Interlude                  Eugene O'Neill             NLB

Tales of EdgarAllan Poe        EdgarAllan Poe             NLB

Captain's Daughter/Q. o/Spa         Alexander Pushkin       HB

Gargantua and Pantagruel    Francois Rabelais NLB

Cyrano de Bergerac               Edmund Rostand HP

The Anatomy Lesson             Philip Roth          SLB

Complete Poems                   Carl Sandburg              NLB

Waverly                                Sir Walter Scott            HP

Ivanhoe                                 Sir Walter Scott            HP

School for Scandal/TheRivalsRichard Sheridan        HP

Quo Vadis?                            Henryk Sienkiewicz      HP

The Jungle                            Upton Sinclair              HP

The Manor                            Isaac Bashevis Singer   HB

The Only Problem                 Muriel Spark                NLB

Of Mice and Men                   John Steinbeck             NLB

The Grapes of Wrath             John Steinbeck             NLB

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde        Robert Louis StevensonHP

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde        Robert Louis StevensonNLB

The Story Classics                 Frank Stocton              HP

Lust For Life                          Irving Stone                 HP

Gulliver's Travels                  Jonathan Swift             NLB

Vanity Fair                            William M. Thackeray  NLB

Barchester Towers                 Anthony Trollope        HP

Walden                                 Thoreau                       NLB

Fathers and Sons          Ivan Turgenov             NLB

The Advent Of Tom Sawyer  Mark Twain                  NLB

The Advent Of Huck Finn     Mark Twain                  NLB

The Advent Of Tom Sawyer  Mark Twain                  HP

Life On The Mississipppi       Mark Twain                  NLB

The Innocents Abroad          Mark Twain                  HP

Roughing It                           Mark Twain                  HP

The Prince and The Pauper   Mark Twain                  HP

Pudd’nhead Wilson               Mark Twain                  HP

Pudd’nhead Wilson               Mark Twain                  NLB

The Not. J. Frog and other   Mark Twain                  HP

A Connecticut Yankee in K.A Mark Twain                  HP

   Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain   J. Kaplan               NLB

Marry Me                              John Updike                 NLB

Witches of Eastwick               John Updike                 NLB

Exodus                                  Leon Uris                     NLB

Aound The World in 80 DaysJules Verne                  NLB

The Mysterious Island           Jules Verne         HP

Lincoln                                  Gore Vidal                    NLB

Candide                                Francois Voltaire HP

Candide                                Francois Voltaire NLB

Slapstick                               Kurt Vonnegut             NLB

*Virgil's Aeneid                     Transl. John Dryden    HP

Selected Poems                     Robert Penn Warren    NLB

All The King's Men                Robert Penn Warren    NLB

The Optimist's Daughter       Eudora Welty               NLB

The Leaves of Grass              Walt Whitman              NLB

Bridge over San Luis Rey       Thornton Wilder           HP

Selected Plays                       Tennessee Williams      NLB

No Laughing Matter              Angus Wilson               HB

Look Homeward Angel Thomas Wolfe              NLB  


Admiral of The Ocean Sea                                NLB

Paul Revere and the World He Lived In   NLB

The Age of Jackson                                          NLB

Across The Wide Missouri                                NLB

The Way West                                                  NLB

The Americans                                                 NLB

The Flowering of New England                         NLB

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt                       NLB


History Of Early Rome by Livy                         NLB

The Lives of The Twelve Caesers by SuetoniusHP

The Long March                                               NLB


Harvard Classics




Addison Swift Steele Defoe Johnson


Bunyan - Izaak Walton

Chaucer to Gray

Bacon Milton Brown




Darwin - Voyage of The Beagle

Marlowe Skaespeare


Famous Prefaces

Thousand and One Nights

Franklin Woolman Penn

American Historical Documents

Thackeray Newman Ruskin Huxley Thoreau


A History of The American People                   Wilson, Woodrow

History of The United States (to 1904)            Hawthorne, Shuler, Andrews

The Cycles of American History                        Arthur M. Sclesinger, Jr.

The Americans - a Social History (1587 1914)  J.C. Furnas

Admiral of The Ocean Sea

The Northern Voyages (Discovery of America)

The Beginnings of New England

The Elizabethans and America

The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America by John Fiske

France and England in North America I by Parkman

Revolutionary Empire (1400-1785)

Albion's Seed

Origins of the American Revolution

John Adams and The American Revolution

The War of The Revolution

Boston Cradle of Liberty

Paul Revere and the World He Lived In

Cast For A Revolution

Lafayette in America LB by Louis Gottschalk

The American Revolution - Trevelyan condensed

The First Salute by Barbara Tuchman

The Literary History of The American Revolution

The Radicalism of The American Revolution

A New Age Begins

The Peace Makers - Richard B. Morris (1779-1793)

Conspiracy of Pontiac - Parkman

Benjamin Franklin - Carl Van Doren

The Great Rehearsal - Carl Van Doren

Alexander Hamilton - Warshaw

Albert Gallatin - Stevens

Lewis Cass - McLaughlin

The Men Who Made The Nation - John Dos Passos

Jefferson's Letters

Jefferson's Legacies edited by Peter S. Onuf

Jefferson's Writings

Thomas Jefferson - William Sterne Randall

Thomas Jefferson - John Morse, Jr.

Benjamin Franklin - John Morse, Jr.

John Adams- John Morse, Jr.

Patrick Henry - Moses Coit Tyler

Jemes Madison - Sydney Howard Gay

Gouveneur Morris -  Theodore Roosevelt

Alexander Hamilton - Henry Cabot Lodge

James Monroe - Daniel C. Gilman

Miracle at Philadelphia - Catherine Bowen

John Quincy Adams and The Union

The Life of Andrew Jackson - Marquis James

The Age of Jackson - Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

Banks and Politics in America (Revolution to Civil War)

Vineyard of Liberty - James McGregor Burns

The War With Mexico - Chidsey

John C. Calhoun

The Irrepressible Conflict 1850--1865 - Cole

Abraham Lincoln The Prairie Years Volume II

Abraham Lincoln The War Years Volume I-IV

The Lincoln Reader

Reveille in Washington

The Coming Fury

Stephen A. Douglas by Allan Johnson

Abraham Lincoln - Gordy

Grant Takes Command by Bruce Catton

This Hallowed Ground

Army of The Potomac

Lincoln and His Generals

A Stillness at Appomattox

The Tragic Era

Age of The Moguls

History of America’s Great Fortunes

Tweed’s New York

Biographies of Blaine and Logan

Grover Cleveland by Allan Nevins

Recollections of Grover Cleveland

Yankee From Olympus

The First Battle - William Jennings Bryan

The Memoirs of William Jennings Bryan

In The Days of McKinley - Margaret Leech

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Morris

Theodore Roosevelt by William Roscoe Thayer

Theodore Roosevelt and His Time

When The Cheering Stopped (Wilson)

Thomas Woodrow Wilson by Freud and Bullitt

The Time Between The Wars

American Myth, American Reality

The Shadow of Blooming Grove

Herbert Hoover by Will Irwin

Herbert Hoover by Eugene Lyons

Crisis of The Old Order

Coming Of the New Deal

The Politics Of Upheaval

Eleanor and Franklin

Roosevelt and Hopkins

The Secret Diary of Harold Ickes 1933-1936

The Glory and the Dream (1932-1972) by William Manchester


Plain Speaking by Merle Miller

The Best Years (1945-1950) by Joseph C. Goulden

The Best and The Brightest (1960's) by David Halberstram

Lyndon Johnson Means of Ascent by Caro

The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson

Lyndon Johnson and The Americamn Dream by Doris Kearns

Richard Nixon


The Imperial Presidency


Latin America and The United States by Stuart

Across the Busy Years (1893-1939) by Nicholas Murray Butler

America's Colonial experiment - Julius Pratt

A History of United States Foreign Policy

The United States in The World Arena

The Wise Men (1945-1970)


In Old Colonial Connecticut

Men of Mark in Connecticut Vol I

Roger Sherman's Connecticut

Connecticut Beautiful

Struggles and Triumphs, The Life of P.T. Barnum by Himself


The Discoverers, by Boorstin

The March in Folly, by Tuchman

The Rise of The West, by McNeill

The Outline of History, by H.G. Wells

The Birth of The Modern (18115-1830) by Paul Johnson

The Rise and Fall of The Great Powers by Paul Kennedy


The Story of Civilization - Will and Ariel Durant

The Life of Greece

Caesar and Christ

The Age of Faith

The Renaissance

The Reformation

The Age of Reason Begins -n.g.?

The Age of Voltaire

Rousseau and Revolution

The Age of Louis XIV

The Age of Napoleon?


The Dawn of Civilization

The Patriarchs

The Bible As History (2,000 B.C. -100 A.D.)

A Survey of Israel’s History

Egypt, Cannan and Israel in Ancient Times

~Ancient Israel by Vaux

Exile To Exile by Jacob Koffler

Understanding The Dead Sea Scrolls


The Sea People

The Mediterranean by Emil Ludwig

History of The Goths (200-600)

The World of The Huns (370-469)

Inventing The Middle Ages (450-1459)

Medieval and Modern Times

The Norman Achievement by David Douglas (1050-1100)

The Dream and The Tomb - A History of The Crusades (1095-1270)

Eleanor of Aquitaine

The Crusades                                                   IC

The March Of The Barbarians (Mongols 13th Century)

A Lost Civilization - The Mongols Rediscovered

The Devil's Horseman (Mongols)

Genghis Khan                                                  IC

Suleiman The Magnificent                               IC

Reformation and Society in Sixteenth Century Europe (1500-1600)

The Embarassment of Riches (Holland 1579-1660)

The Civilization of Europe in The Renaissance

Europe in Renaissnace and Reformation

Ancien Regime in Europe (1648-1789)

The Age of The Democratic Revolution

The Hundred Years (1837-1937)

The Proud Tower (Europe 1890-1914)

Dreadnought(Europe 1890-1914)

Guns of August (Europe 1914)

The Fall of The Dynasties (1905-1922)

Winds of Change (Europe 1914-1960)

On Borrowed Time (Europe 1937-1939)


Founders of the Western World

The Early Greeks by Hopper

The Will of Zeus

Alexander of Macedon                                     IC

Alexander of Macedon

The Mask of Jove (323 BC to 337 AD)

The Greek Way

Julius Caesar by Arthur Kahn                          NLB

The Lives of The Twelve Caesers by Suetonius HP

Sulla The Fortunate

The Sack of Rome

I, Claudius                                                        IC

Claudius The God                                            IC

Livy, A History of Rome (Selections)                ML

History of Rome by Michael Grant

Roman Colonization Under The Republic

Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire

Gibbon For Moderns


History of England

The Birth of Britain (55 BC -1485)

Henry II (1135-1189)

The Age of Chivalry (England 1274-1400)

The Last Plantangenets (1377-1485)

Henry V (1413-1421)

Warwick The Kingmaker (1428-1471)

Good King Richard (Richard III:1452-1485)

Henry VIII (1540-1546)

Henry The Eighth by Francis Hackett

Catherine of Aragon

Mary Queen of Scots   (1542-1587)                 IC

Mary Queen of Scotland by Stefan Zweig

A Crown for Elizabeth (1536-1558)

The Virgin Queen

Elizabeth I

The Elizabethans and America

Revolutionary Empire (1400-1785)

The Armada (1587-1588)

King and Commnonwealth

Oliver Cromwell by Morley (1599-1658)

Cromwell The Lord Protector

Marlborough (1644-1722)

Royal Charles (Charles II) (1630-1685)

Charles II by Hutton

Charles II The Last Rally by Belloc

The Descent on England (1688)

The Backstairs Dragon (1700-1721)

The English (to 1760)

The Whig Supremacy (1714-1760)

England Under The Hanoverians (1714 - 1815)

The Hanoverians (1714 - 1815) by Green

Burke's Politics (1775-1782)

William Pitt The Younger by Wilson (1759-1806)

Palmerston (1784-1865)


Across The Seve

Disraeli by Robert Blake

Disraeli by Andre Maurois

Disraeli by Sarah Bradford

W. E. Gladstone

Disraeli and Gladstone

Gladstone, Politics and Religion

England 1870-1914

Winston Churchill

The Last Lion (WSC) Alone 1932-1940


History of France - Guizot Vol I, IV, VI VII VIII

Charlemagne by Harold Lamb                         IC

The Emperor Charlemagne

Saint Joan of Arc - V. Sackville-West

Montaillou (1300’s)

Francis The First

Louis XI (1461-1479)

King Spider by D.B. Wyndham Lewis

Louis the XI by Paul Murray Kendall

France in The Age of Louis XIII and Richelieu

The Sun King - Louis XIV at Versailles by Nancy Mitford

Catherine De Medici (1519-1589)

Catherine De Medici and the Lost Revolution

Twilight of The Old Order (France 1774-1778)       

Wind From America (France 1778-1781)

Their Gracious Pleasure

The French Revolution by John S.C. Abbott

Citizens by Simon Schama (French Revolution)

The Thermidorians and the Directory by Georges Lefebvre

Lafayette by W.E. Woodard

Talleyrand by Duff Cooper

Talleyrand by Collins


Napoleon by Emil Ludwig

Napoleon from Tilsit to Waterloo 1807-1815

The Age of Napoleon (1793-1815)

The Bonapartes by David Stacton

Life of Napoleon III

Pierre Laval and the Eclipse of France 1931-1945

The Collapse of The Third Republic (1940)

The Last of The Giants (De Gaulle)


History of Russia

History of Russia by Rissanky

History of Russia by Miliukov

A History of Russia by Jesse D. Clarkson

Fearful Majesty (Ivan The Terrible1533-1584)

Peter The Great (1659-1724) by Robert K. Massie

Elizabeth The Great                                         IC

Elizabeth The Great by Elizabeth Jenkins

xElizabeth & Catherine (1741-1796)

Catherine The Great by Anthony

Catherine The Great by Troyat

Alexander of Russia by Troyat

The Shadow of The Winter Palace (1825-1917)

Nicholas and Alexandria                                  IC

The Tragic Dynasty - A History of The Romanovs

Rasputin The Holy Devil

Ten Days That Shook The World By John Reed (ML)

Russia Leaves The War                                     NLB

The Russian Revolution by Alan Moorehead

The Life of Lenin by Louis Fischer

The Life and Death of Lenin by Robert Payne

Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin

Expansion and Coexistence - a History of Soviet Foreign Policy           1917-1967 by Adam Ulam


History of Germany

The History of Germany Since 1789 by Golo Mann

Frederick The Great and His Family by Muhlbach

Frederick The Great and Kaiser Joseph

Bismarck by Emil Ludwig

Bismarck by Edward Cranshaw

Society and Politics in Wilhelmene Germany

The Kaiser on Trial

Inside The Third Reich

The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich


History of Italy

Makers of Venice

The Queen of The Adriatic

History of Venice by John Julius Norwich

The Imperial Age of Venice 1380-1580 by D.S. Chamberlain

Venice and Its Story

The Venetian Empire by Jan Morris

Venice and Venetia

Venice by Yriate


The Florentine Gentleman (Amerigo Vespucci)

The Makers of Florence by Mrs. Oliphant

The Uffizzi Gallery

The Golden Age of The Medici by Selwyn Brinton

The Medici by G.F. Young (ML)

The Medici by James Clough

The Last Medici

The Borgias (1455-1519)

Cesare Borgia

Lucrezia Borgia by Wykes

The Fall of The Hous of Borgia

Lorenzo the Magnificent

The Florentine Renaissance

The Man of The Renaissance (1494-1530)

Writers of The Italian Renaissance

Italian Painters of The Renaissance

Gallileo Gallilei            NLB

The House of Farnese (1468-1766)


The Civilzation of The Renaissance in Italy

Writers in The Italian Renaissance

Naples the City of Parthinope

Italy in the XIX Century by Latimer

Gaibaldi by Christopher Hibert

The Awakening of Italy (Fascism)


History of Spain

Spain - A Modern History by Madriaga

Spain by Smith

The Castles and The Crown (1451-1555)

The Armada (1587-1588)

Spain and The Empire (1519-1643)

The Spanish Centuries (1470-1970)

Philipp II by William Thomas Walsh

The Spanish Bourbons

Barcelona by Robert Hughes

The Spanish Civil War


A History of Japan to 1334

History of Japan

A History of The Japanese People

Japan a Cultural History

Japan From Pre-history to Modern Times by John Whiting

The Japanese Oligarchy & the Russo-Japanese War

The Rising Sun (1936-1945)

The Nobility of Failure(Japan) by Morris

The Far East

East Asia - The Modern Transformation

America and The Far Eastern Question

History of China

China by C.P. Fitzgerald

The Soong Dynasty

Mandarins, Jews and Missionaries

China Under The Empress Dowager

The Dragon Empress 1835-1908

The Moring Deluge 1893-1954

Duel for The Middle Kingdom (1920-1948)

Rise of The Chinese Republic


Sitwell and The American Experience in China


A Brief History of The Indian (Asia) Peoples

The Peacock Throne -The Drama of Mogul India

The Mogul Emperors of Hindustan

The Last Years of British India

India by Speer


The Kings Depart (Judah Maccabee)

Jewish Travellers in The Middle Ages (pb)

History of Palestine

Promise and Fulfillment - Palestine 1947-1949

Herzl by Amos Elon

Ben Gurion by Michael Ben Zohar           NLB

The High Walls of Jerusalem

The Siege (Israel)

O Jerusalem

A History of Israel


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Conquest of Mexico

History of Mexico

A History of Mexico by Parkes

The Crown of Mexico by Joan Haslip




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The Epic of Latin America

Latin American Republics A History

The Masters and the Slaves (Brazil)

The Mansions and The Shanties (Brazil)

History of Canada

The Fatal Shore (Australia)

By Camel and Car to The Peacock Throne

         (Palestine, Arabia, Iran)


Africa to 1875

Africa - Angry Young Giant

The Great Arab Conquests

The Shaping of The Arabs

A History of The Arab Peoples


History of Sweden

History of Norway

The Story of The Irish Race

The Kingdom of Poland

History of The Netherlands

A History of The Dutch Republic



Autria by Whitman

Maria Theresa by Mary Moffat

Portugal and The Portuguese World


International Collectors Library


Fables                                            Aesop

A Double Life                                 Alcott, Louisa May

Anthony Adverse                                    Allen, Hervey

Winesburg, Ohio                            Anderson, Sherwood

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Watchfires                                     Auchincloss, Louis

Pride and Prejudice                        Austin, Jane

Zuleika Dobson                              Beerbohm, Max

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So Big                                             Ferber, Edna

Saratoga Trunk                              Ferber, Edna

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The Scarlet Letter                           Hawthorne, Nathaniel

For Whom the Bell Tolls                 Hemingway, Ernest

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Les Miserable                                 Hugo, Victor

Complete Tales                              Irving, Washington

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The Portrait of a Lady                    James, Henry

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Portrait of the Artist as a Y Man     Joyce, James

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The Trial                                        Kafka, Franz

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Kim                                                Kipling, Rudyard

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Call of The Wild/The Sea Wolf       London, Jack

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The Moon and Sixpence                 Maugham, Somerset

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Typee                                             Melville, Herman

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Ship of Fools                                  Porter, Katherine Anne

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The Talisman                                 Scott, Sir Walter

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Vanity Fair                                     Thackeray, William M.

Walden and Other Writings           Thoreau, Henry David

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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn    Twain, Mark

Adventures of Tom Sawyer            Twain, Mark

Complete Short Stories         Twain, Mark

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Collectors Edition


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Defoe                                    Moll Flanders

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Hawthorne                            The Scarlet Letter

Shakespeare                                   Four Great Tragedies

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Book League - Excellent Condition


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de Quincy                                      Confessions of an Opium Eater

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Reade                                             The Cloister and The Hearth

Thackeray                                      Vanity Fair

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Fine Editions Press


Defoe                                    Roxana


Small Modern Library


Excellent - American

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Lawrence, D.H                                The Rainbow

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Thackeray, William M.                   Henry Esmond

Virgil                                             Works

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Jefferson's Letters        ed. Whitman

Travellers' Tales           ed. Du Bois


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Bronte                 Jane Eyre

Cooper                Last of The Mohicans

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Darwin                Origin of The Species

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Emerson              Essays

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Faulkner             Sanctuary

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Hawthorne          Best Known Works

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Hawthorne          The Scarlet Letter

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Maugham            Moon and Sixpence

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         *The Great American Novel

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         The Counterlife

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Runyan, Damon

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         Omnibus(Guys& Dolls, Money From Home, Blue Palte Special) 

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Sandburg, Carl

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Saroyan, William

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Schulberg, Budd

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Scott, Sir Walter

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Selbert, Hubey Jr.

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Shakespeare, William

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Shaw, Irwin

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Shelley, Percy Byce

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Shulman, Max

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Sinclair, Upton

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Singer, Isaac Bashevis

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Singer, I.J.

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Smith, Martin Cruz


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Smith, Thorne

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Stone, Irving

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Styron, William

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Swados, Harvey


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Tarkington, Booth

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Theroux, Paul

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Traven, B.

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Twain, Mark

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Uris, Leon



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Vidal, Gore





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Vonnegut, Kurt Jr.

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Wells, H. G.

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West, Morris

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         The World is Made of Glass



West, Nathaniel

         Complete Works

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         Nathaniel West by  Jay Martin

         Nathaniel West's Novels by  Irving Malin

Westlake, Donald

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         Who Stole Sassy Manoon


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Wharton, Edith

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Whitman, Walt

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         Walt Whitman an American by Henry Seidel Canby

Whittier, John Greenleaf

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Wilder, Thornton

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Wister, Owen

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Wodehouse, P.G.

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Wolfe, Thomas

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         Short Stories (paper)

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Wouk, Herman

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Wright, Richard

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Wylie, Phillip


Zweig, Arnold

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Literary History


American Men of Letters - 5 volumes: James, Anderson, Dreiser,        Whitman, Melville

Hughes, Winifred

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Lewisohn, Ludwig

         The Story of American Literature

Brooks, Van Wyk

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Chase, Richard

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Fiedler, Leslie

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Greenut, Ferris

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Hamilton, Cynthia

         Western and Hard Boiled Fiction

Hazzard, L.

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Hoffman, Daniel, ed.

         Harvard Guide to Contemporary American Writing

Hoyt, Charles Alva, Ed.

         Minor American Novelists

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Prescott, Peter


Walcutt, Charles Child, ed

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Wendell, Barrett

         A Literary History of America


Legouis and Cazemain

         A History of English Literature

Priestley, J. B.

         Literature and Western Man


         English Literature and Language

Specimens of Early English


Want List

Cain, James M.

Farrell, James T.

Kersh, Gerald

Hawkes, John

Norris, Charles

Norris, Frank

Perelman, S.J.

Runyon, Damon

Shulman, Max

Smith, Thorne

West, Nathaniel